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Risk Factor 8

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

Risk Factor 8. Triggering factors: Events or circumstances that, even if seemingly unrelated to atrocity crimes, may seriously exacerbate existing conditions or may spark their onset.


8.1 The sudden deployment of security forces or commencement of armed hostilities.

8.2 Spill-over of armed conflicts or serious tensions in neighboring countries.

8.3 Measures were taken by the international community are perceived as threatening to a States’ sovereignty.

8.4 Abrupt or irregular regime changes, transfers of power, or changes in the political power of groups.

8.5 Attacks against the life, physical integrity, liberty, or security of leaders, prominent individuals, or members of opposing groups. Other serious acts of violence, such as terrorist attacks.

8.6 Religious events or real or perceived acts of religious intolerance or disrespect, including outside national borders.

8.7 Acts of incitement or hate propaganda targeting particular groups or individuals.

8.8 Census, elections, pivotal activities related to those processes, or measures that destabilize them.

8.9 Sudden changes that affect the economy or the workforce, including as a result of financial crises, natural disasters, or epidemics.

8.10 Discovery of natural resources or launching of exploitation projects that have a serious impact on the livelihoods and sustainability of groups or civilian populations.

8.11 Commemoration events of past crimes or traumatic or historical episodes that can exacerbate tensions between groups, including the glorification of perpetrators of atrocities.

8.12 Acts related to accountability processes, particularly when perceived as unfair.

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