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Risk Factor 9

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

Risk Factor 9. Intergroup tensions or patterns of discrimination against protected groups: Past or present conduct that reveals serious prejudice against protected groups and that creates stress in the relationship among groups or with the State, generating an environment conducive to atrocity crimes.


9.1 Past or present serious discriminatory, segregationally, restrictive, or exclusionary practices, policies, or legislation against protected groups.

9.2 Denial of the existence of protected groups or recognition of elements of their identity.

9.3 History of atrocity crimes committed with impunity against protected groups.

9.4 Past or present serious tensions or conflicts between protected groups or with the State, with regards to access to rights and resources, socioeconomic disparities, participation in decision-making processes, security, expressions of group identity, or perceptions about the targeted group.

9.5 Past or present serious tensions or conflicts involving other types of groups (political, social, cultural, geographical, etc.) that could develop along national, ethnic, racial, or religious lines.

9.6 Lack of national mechanisms or initiatives to deal with identity-based tensions or conflict.

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